Saturday, August 20, 2011

And I slipped again..

Roaming about in the town for a quick weekend shopping spree, a feeling of loneliness engrossing yet again. Living a life out of Pandora's box! Away from family, away from humanity and civilization. There is everything wrong about the ambiance around. I dash out of the supermarket for a breather. Everything seemed so insanely organized. I was in no man's land and I was as volatile as I am now. Freaked out thoughts displaying its brutality all over again. And I started murmuring a song, don't have an idea why but I did.

Alright then I realized about the 'blast from the past'. I was back into the murky world of my pathetic past, dirty deeds and drunken drives. Such a moron I thought I was. I won't let it, do I? No point dreaming to reach Pluto when you know it is actually loads of light years away! But yes it happens frequently, if you say hourglass is frequent... I march ahead like a soldier out on a mission, entering another shop. Glanced here, glanced there; nothing amused... definitely in mars I yelled within. Then this song strikes instantaneously when I we stare each other...

Reverberating thoughts of the life I wished, all the flare and dreams ... man 'Life is Beautiful' guessed I...

No but, I should not let the feeling capture my imagination. I have been through what is called as 'LOVE' before and I did realize it was just pure addiction than affection. I ran out of the shop consoling a wounded jackssa... it ain't no worth trying to be in a relationship until you believe you need to be. My mind joggling to the tunes as...

Friday, August 12, 2011

saturday raga!

Just when the world seemed beautiful, energetic and so vibrant, my mind was in a recluse. The psychological imbalance had struck again, leading me to ask this common question. Does the human race ever get satisfied? Well the Maslow's hierarchy seems too steep and no sooner am I getting close to become one! Remembering back the days when life was not all about assignments and missed targets, everything seemed natural. Even the candid worries of having to convince your friend for new expeditions or maybe that of a petty quarrel never bothered. And these days even an unanswered call of a friend makes things go wild. Why? Why is there so much pressure to achieve? Do we really care about all these achievements or is it the recognition we are chasing? Even in recognition there are hidden agendas, like that as in monetary enrichment, fame, name or may be pure reward.

Alrite the point I intend to make is that in some way or other we are no less a con artist. We take on roles as the situation may be. I seriously have lost track of who I am. Vague instances of a person that used to be me a decade ago. Surrendered to the whims of this fantasy world, there is very less I can hardly do to be appraised by character and not desire. This my friends is the reality of life, a decade down the line, everything will be as hilarious as it can get.

Have a great decade ahead, cheers. It is a saturday morning and hell yeah I need to suit up for job.... cha tc

Saturday, May 7, 2011

mysterious woman :)

Sea shells on the sea shore

Calm breeze enforcing its presence on me

As the coconut palms flutter by your embrace

A pensive mood I confront in thee.

Imaginary footprints of an enigmatic woman

Tracing you I proceed into the enormous sea

A transparent starfish I see in thee

Precious and beautiful thou God’s creation.

Characteristic colors as the coral reef

Mysterious and refreshing in thee

As I dive deep into the mysterious sea

O woman blindfolded I am in thee.

Mesmerized by the flaunting wonder

I indulge my thoughts in thee

A thrust of thick liquid burning the arteries

My senses recuperate in search of thee..!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Break freee

Winking away the deathly sleep

obnoxiously intoxicated by the environment

Perplexed are my senses and so is the cerebrum

Help me, help me I need to break free.

Help me, help me I need to break freee
Gone are the days of divine happiness
Coffee shops, meeting points amiss
A home, a motel and now a wandering soul.

Desperate measures of insanity to break freee

phantom screams of desperation to break free

Lurking shadows of anguish to break free

I need to break free, help me, help me!

Friday, April 22, 2011

over n out! over n out!!

Shivers in the cold midnight

Raindrops trickle down the cheek

As I walk past this lonely street

A dreadful fear looms in space.

I mourn in this silent sphere

Saline pain engulf my taste buds

Far was the reach and far was the cry

Reverberating soul I was left with.

Tranquility elaborated in hope

Senseless thoughts as mighty a peak

Formidable anguish for a crazy freak

Shattered pieces of a fragile dream.

Is it destiny or destination

Sailing with the wind I explore

Possibilities or mere postulates

Alas the signal is breaking, SOS SOS SOS...

over n out! over n out!!over n out!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

my heart beats for u honey!

Each of us have encountered situations in life where it is hard to decide between the right and wrong . From being stuck up over a marriage gown to the investment criteria. From being a employee to the employer. Deciding upon whether to buy a home or not. From flipping consumer products in supermarkets to getting discounts at shopping malls.

In the circumstances we live, it is difficult to arrive at a consensus. It thus gradually leads to a fickle mind. Due to the stereotype, I sense the same. With the plethora of options, the human mind has become even more sensitive to change.

Shortly I'll be away from home and away from all that I care the most. The big leap has to be taken. With gloom in one hand and glory in the other, I join hands to move forward in life.

Experiencing the happiness of being with loved ones for almost quarter of a decade, it is hard to say aloha.

Some may say I am immature, some attachment, some may call it emotional attyachar. However I call it LOVE. A love which I have treasured for all these years.

The big question persists, is it worth all the effort?

I certainly am a Optimist.

What do you feel?

The most I'll  miss for a while is the finger licking joy of having to taste Mamma's dishes....!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

jan lokpal, jan hith...vande mataram.

With the agitation by Sir Anna Hazare, it is my obligation to join hands in curbing the menace of corruption.

The systemic evolution of corruption has spread its roots to the mantle of the bureaucratic society. Today even a peon in a government organization has become a part of the rampant exploitation of the helpless common soul.

Call it anger or anguish, each and every one of the 1.2 billion strong Indian population has experienced this pathetic desire of the babus in one way or the other. I strongly support this noble cause by Sir Anna Hazare and if need be will be proud to join the movement.

Pour in your views on this epic movement and certainly do not let the government have the final call this time round.

To Sir Anna Hazare and to all we Indians…Jai Hind and Vande Mataram…..

Spread the word, spread the emotion…

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Wobbling eyes, scorching sun shine

Light prevailing its presence upon thee

I lay unmoved in the sailing sands

Glitters of gold to the galoping glutton

I envy the mould I have been melted into.

White as the ivory my restless mind is

Silently I glow in the glory of purity

Past the dungeons are the treasures of insanity

Scrambling souls over the mystic river

As the pearls of the deep blue ridge

Mighty was the mirror and so was its wrath.

Mortality was what I wished to abide

Assertive adherence to the astonished amateur

I beckon the dawn of a new beginning

Divinity of the dusk through the dangling dice

I camouflage my soul in the intensity of light

Endangered existence is all I compRomiSed for thee.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

‘tiMe MachinE’

With each fading year I search for tranquility
A nest to shudder my constant ageing
This year I’ll celebrate the silver jubilee of existence
Peace, satisfaction and happiness reverberating a fresh
Wandering about the life’s journey
Replenishing the old memories of expected and the unexpected
Wish I had a machine, a machine to travel back
A machine to fulfill my quest of life, a time machine!

To stop revolving in the concentric circles of life
Tarnished hope and tidal mindset a grim reminder
Every new year having its own significance
A decade of joy and enthrallment encompassed
A decade of responsibility and compromise to be bridged
Wish I had a machine, a machine to travel back
A machine to fulfill my quest of life, a time machine!

A decade past today I will be a decade older than now
With society and sovereignty on top of mind
The game is on, a game to pursue self righteous goals
Sober souls and squandering success in the beckoning
Wish I had a machine, a machine to travel back
A machine to fulfill my quest of life, a time machine!